Sunday, September 11, 2005

So, here's the current state of Migyur Dorje. The plan is now completely up in the air, as attention is turned towards sending some folks down to the Gulf Coast directly to lend physical assistance to those in need. The tentative plan is for Norbu and Tashi Dorje to leave on Wednesday, for an as yet undetermined period of time. We'll MISS Norbu, but don't fret...we'll carry on. I know Norbu wouldn't feel comfortable leaving if he didn't know I'd keep the project moving in his absence (he'd do the same for me, we discussed this).

Thus, the week ahead may hold many unknowns, but we will continue to keep the Stupas in our practice even as we embrace the increasing demands of Katrina Relief Efforts. We're close to completion, we won't give up now!

The temple is circumambulating the Stupas for an hour a day (formally, more than that on our own) to increase prayers and benefit for those affected by the storm. You need not be Buddhist to turn to the Stupas in a time such as this, (or anytime you are suffering), they exist only to bring benefit to all beings without distinction. They are a source of peace and healing, from grief as well as physical illness. And they are here for you, 24 hours a day, every day. Please do take advantage of them! Posted by Picasa

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