Wednesday, September 07, 2005

September 7th...

Worked at the hospital today...but things did move a little on the Stupa Project. Norbu arranged for Susie to use her truck tomorrow, hauling water for us! That's huge news, as it means we can move on with the stripping. We may also begin repairs on the gau (the top is really crumbling), if all goes well. Our repair material may be too short.

As the horror of Katrina grows, the Stupa Crew is devoting the merit of our efforts to all those suffering from this profound distaster. We may be taking a day off in the near future to participate directly in caring for refugees locally. We'll keep you posted. Need to contact agencies and get through the red tape...

But do recall, the Stupas exist exactly for this kind of situation. They are here for all who wish to bring benefit through prayer. Our temple is also coordinating with other centers to offer material and physical assistance to those affected. The Stupas and temple are open to all, regardless of faith, so please do feel free to come out and take advantage of these blessings. This Stupa, the Enlightenment Stupa, is right next to our parking lot, easy access! It's well lit 24 hours a day, so whatever time you feel inclined you can come out and circumambulate. Our prayer room inside is also open 24 hours a day, with someone praying for the end of suffering all the time, so you can come inside and spend some time in prayer or meditation if you wish, or just sipping tea from our tea and water station, all of it free.

For us on the Stupa Crew, we'll be back out tomorrow to keep generating merit for the benefit of all beings... Posted by Picasa

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