We wrapped up much later than anticipated (not too shocking actually) but we were able to get Ngagpa Yeshe Dorje completed!
This Stupa may look small, but it has been a potent force. This Stupa was where this particular renovation project began, a few years back, when I was asked to take a digital photo of it for some folks in Arizona. At that time it was in such horrible condition I knew my destiny was changed instantly. There was no way I could leave it the way it was, and once seeing how it had fallen into neglect, I also knew I had to check out all the Stupas on the property...the rest is documented on this blog!
As always, we'll end with the invitation that you come out and experience these amazing structures for yourself. They exist for no other reason than to bring benefit to beings, no matter who or what you are (insects, creepy crawlies, same difference....the Stupas are unconditional in their generosity).