Saturday, March 25, 2006

This was the scene on Chokur Duchen, when we tore the floor off the frame of the trailer. Norbu has spent the past week working on cutting up the pieces into "pick up truck" sized loads. Today, while I toiled away at work, the crew gathered once again and got 7 loads off to the dump in Poolesville! Lisa reported this, but didn't say how much was left...but we're getting real darn close to it being totally GONE! : )

We've also been planning for the upcoming season of "repair friendly" weather....I'll be sharing a concept photo for the wall of Migyur Dorje soon!

For now, suffice it to say there's going to be TONS of activity at the temple this April, many visiting Lamas! Even a Tulku from Tibet! So please do stop by for a visit, to see the Stupas, spend some quiet time in the prayer room or sit in on a Buddhist teaching by an authentic Tibetan (or Bhutanese---Khenpo Norgye is from Bhutan origianlly) teacher! Posted by Picasa

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