Friday, March 17, 2006

March 17th...Prayer and Peace

It's been a quiet week as far as labor goes. We got a lot done on Tuesday, but since then we've all been recovering.

For myself, I've been caretaking the prayer chart. We have a 24 hour Prayer Vigil that's going on 21 years this April! That means 21 years of unbroken prayer to end suffering for all beings! How amazing! Of course, it's also a lot of work, so the caretakers often spend their wee morning hours (yup, those shifts between midnight and 6 am are tough to fill!) making sure that chain of prayer remains unbroken. I spent some time in the prayer room this morning (after my shift, don't worry!) taking photos. This way, all of you who are no where near Poolesville can still get a sense of what a rare and precious place this is! If you want to see the whole collection you can go to my photo storage site:

Slide Show of Prayer Room

For those of you whose pop-up blockers stop the album from playing, you can see the images here:

Visit the Prayer Room

It is my hope that offering these images to you helps you bring those blessings right into your home or office! And of course, you are always welcome to come see this in person! No committments required, we're here to offer you a place of refuge and peace. Posted by Picasa

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