Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I thought I got there early (anything before 10 am is early for this lazy gal). When I arrived Yekta was already working! Though you can't see her here yet, Ani Rene was also hard at work...making phone calls. We're having trouble locating paint. It turns out we did find a vendor that can get it for us quickly, but it costs a LOT more. We're now really out of money (always the way isn't it?), so we're not sure if we're going to be able to swing two coats of gold...We don't want to stop moving though, so we're buying all we can so we can get at least one coat of gold on. If you'd like to contribute to this amazing effort, there's a link on this page! Or if you prefer, you can come on out and lend a hand! Posted by Picasa

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