Thursday, November 24, 2005

Gabriel struggled for a while with the machine. He knows how to use one (you could tell by the way he handled this one, much more knowledgeable than any of the rest of us!), but this one was older than what he has at home. Thus, he wasn't sure how to thread the whole thing (what exactly is a "bobbin" any way!). Head up Gretchen, you'll have to work with your bobbin before using this machine again! : ) In the end, we used the piece Beth had sewn, but Gabriel took our template piece home with him promising to make another for us, on his own machine. Our time for work on the Stupas today was quite limited (most of the day was spent in practice), so once we agreed this was the best we were going to do today I headed out to the Stupa with our masterpiece... Posted by Picasa

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