Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It's been a tough thing, watching those gorgeous brocades begin their process of deterioration already. We've been focused on getting the painting done before the cold hit (it's hit now). A few weeks back James and I put a ladder up to the Enlightenment Stupa to sweep off the collecting leaves and discovered the faceplate was never flush against the Stupa! So, there's a reason the desiccant failed...In any case, we're not going to just leave it. The plan is to take down the plexi, get it cut (we'll truck it over to Piedmont Plastics where we had it made) and have them trim the bottom for us. We visited there today and discovered such a cut might be more than we can handle (acrylic melts with the friction, skill is needed to cut it).

The goal is to get the faceplate trimmed so it will seal, replace the caulking with weather stripping, to preserve the acrylic faceplate more, have the brocade cleaned and then replace the desiccant and try our experiment again. : ) We'll keep at it until we find a way to keep that precious vestibule clean!

We're working to keep these precious sources of blessings not only in the world, but inspiring, to all who encounter them. They are here in order to benefit all living beings that connect with them, either by accident or on purpose, whether your Buddhist or not, human or not, no matter. They're here for you! Posted by Picasa

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