Saturday, November 12, 2005

By the time we cleaned up it was dark. Here's a shot of the Enlightenment Stupa I took before I left, I couldn't resist the shot. As you can see, the Stupa is well lit. It is right next to the parking lot (I was positioned in the parking lot to take this picture), making it the one Stupa accessible 24 hours a day, every day. So whenever you wish to see one of the amazing structures, or bask in their benevolent blessings, Guru Rinpoche in this Enlightenment Stupa is ready and waiting for you. You don't have to be Buddhist, or even know what a Stupa is (much less who Guru Rinpoche is). They offer blessings without condition or judgment, to all who encounter them. All our efforts you see on these pages are devoted to keeping these precious forms in the world for the benefit of all beings, like you! Posted by Picasa

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