Thursday, November 24, 2005

Well, we aren't seamstresses. We've learned this painfully. However, there is a net improvement in Ngagpa Yeshe Dorje Stupa. Amitayus now has a clean, sealed, brocade lined alcove to ride out the winter in. This small Stupa is at the top of our list for spring renovation, including a complete replacement of the brocades. What we have out there now is the best we could come up with on the fly. We'll put a new plexiglas shield on the list too.

Though we've been forced by weather to alter our approach, we haven't been deterred. We will see it all through, from stripping and repainting these small Stupas (there are two behind the temple as well) to mounting our bronze Buddha reliefs. We're just waiting for some decent temps! We know, of course, it may be a few months. We've got lots to do even in the cold weather though, so keep checking in!

Regardless of the weather, the Stupas are open and available year round. It is our sincere hope you will take the time to come see them for yourselves. They exist only to bring blessings to all who encounter them, from the birds in the sky overhead, to the ants that take up residence on them, to the fortunate humans that happen upon them. We are working hard so they may remain in the world to benefit beings like you for generations to come... Posted by Picasa

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