Saturday, November 05, 2005

November 5th...Obsession...

Though I worked today (for a living) Lisa Banana did go out early to get some time in on the Stupa! She reports the upper steps now have a complete first coat, and she's planning on squeezing more time in tomorrow morning. The report on paint consumption is encouraging. We might actually have enough to begin a second coat! We're keeping a close eye on the weather, and praying hard for continued warm, sunny days (a lot to ask in November!).

It is our sincere wish that all beings may enjoy the benefits of our labors. Whether you're Buddhist or not, whether you like Buddhists or not, we hope you will come and see these amazing structures for yourselves.

They are rare and precious by any standards, even if you have no faith in their spiritual power. They contain relics of past Buddhist masters, have been constructed according to ancient Tibetan traditions, overseen by authentic Tibetan masters. All of this right here in Poolesville, Maryland, a short drive from Washington D.C. We welcome people of all faiths (including those with no faith). There are Stupas out in isolated corners of our 65 acre Peace Park, where you need not talk with anyone at all, as well as right next to our parking lot, if you don't want to walk. We promise to leave you alone if you wish, or answer your questions if you have any. So come on out and see them for yourself! Posted by Picasa

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