Thursday, November 24, 2005

We secured the throne with the plexi and our webbing and headed back to the temple to prepare for the evening practice. The brocade looks much better in there than just the paint, and though our efforts might make any seamstress howl with laughter (or cry with despair), we feel a positive contribution to the cause was made. We were all disappointed that we couldn't get the gau "sealed" (our goal), but with the darkness creeping up on us rapidly (sunset is actually 4:48 pm!!!) and the temperature dropping just as fast, it just didn't seem like the caulk would set any time soon.

At least we left Amitayus clean, on a new throne cover, on his throne, with new brocades to adorn his chamber. It is clean in there. We know our list for spring is already forming, but we're committed, and you can see the team is growing!

I will end with my usual invitation. The Stupas exist to benefit beings, all beings, regardless of faith (or lack there of). Their blessings are open to all, no strings attached. So please do come see them for yourselves. Even in this chilly season, their benefit is boundless... Posted by Picasa

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