There may be some sanding yet to be done, and we didn't explore the central Stupa out here (the heat was crushing, and no shade at the Stupa Park!), but we've hit the main areas of paint failure. It looks like the primer just did't adhere in some spots. We're gonna sand these areas down and give it another go. The paint we're using out here was ordered from California, and it proved really difficult to work with. We have lots left (as we abandoned it for the other Stupas, opting for the Modern Masters instead). The two Stupas with the most failure were this one, and our old friend Auspicious Manifold Doorways. For this one we used a "release agent" to make a mold of the gau, and alas, did not successfully remove all that from the concrete it appears. On AMD there were extensive repairs, and that was painted last, at the end of the season. Not a great time, as we were pressing the limits of weather. Now we have the time to try and tidy up our hurried work and apply finishing touches! So stay tuned, we're hoping to get them all done this summer!

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