This is a broader view of the north wall, where our biggest problems arose. Some facts to consider include we painted it last. It is the shadiest side of the Stupa, and the day I painted I felt I was literally racing against a deadline of rain and falling temperatures. Thus, of all the areas of the Stupa, this one was painted under the worst conditions. We tried to be careful, but time was against us.
Thus, we're learning to take a good hard look at our work. Learning from our mistakes (we hope) we're discussing plans for the winter. We'll keep you posted!
Maybe we are slow on the uptake, but we're sincere in our desire to do the best we can. Ashby, a regular on our crew, has done some really great research into acrylics, mediums to help protect against what we've seen, and our preliminary discussion has resulted in the thinking of allowing it to wait.
Of course, this activity is not just about concrete, paint and weather. It is a practice, a meritorious activity engaged in by aspiring bodhisattvas seeking to purify their karma and contribute to the liberation of all suffering beings in existence. Thus, we'll paint in the pouring rain if there were some reason to do so (reasons for this activity, as I mentioned, are not centered around actual physical accomplishments alone). But for now, our plan is to sort out and clean up messes! : )
As I mentioned, I am "working" today. I had a few hours off as the hospital was overstaffed, but the word's in, I need to get in there and start taking care of patients so I'm off. For now I'll leave you with the images here, and all those in our extensive archives.
May you be inspired by the devotion of this faithful crew of ordinary folks spending all their time off working, working for the benefit of beings. The Stupas exist only to bring blessings and peace to all that encounter them. They offer this openly without restrictions. They don't care if you're Buddhist, or even if you're human. They'll bring blessings regardless, so please do come and visit here often! If you can, come on out to Poolesville and see them in person! We'll be working to keep them available to you both here online, and in Maryland, for as long as possible...