Sunday, February 19, 2006

The event included a shaman dance with song...don't have the audio to upload, but I'll see if I can get some video one day soon!

We'll be hosting some more Mongolian guests next week, including a high Lama! I'm a poor reporter for these events, as I am pretty ignorant about the whole culture. But you can follow the link on this page "An American Monk in Mongolia" to go to Konchog Norbu's blog, our resident monk who has actually spent time in Mongolia, and has been the resource arranging all these wonderful opportunities! Please do try and come out next weekend! It promises to be a rare opportunity to be in the same room with some people who have changed the world.

Finally, whether you are interested in Asian culture or not, the Stupas and temple are here for you 24 hours a day. We're praying around the clock every minute of every day to end suffering for all beings. Our doors are open, and the Stupa is illuminated all night long, and all day, so you will always have a place to go to find peace...
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