Thursday, May 19, 2005

May 19th...Devotion...

Today we saw some real transitions. We made some progress with the sandblasting, with a much smaller crew. It was a difficult day as a result, with folks getting really tired. Everyone gave their all though, devoted to getting through the sandblasting in time to return the pot next Wednesday.

An interesting development arose from talking with Ani Sherab Khandro. She was involved in building almost every Stupa KPC has, and is a professional artist (I'll post a link to her website when I get the address, her work is amazing, truly inspiring). We're fortunate to have her with us for a few days, sharing her knowledge and stories, as well as teaching us some basic art skills we'll need to keep the Stupas maintained. It was her suggestion that instead of painting, we have folks apply some repair mortar on Monday. Sandblasting has taken us so much longer than we thought that we can't really properly prepare the surface for paint by Monday. The thin set material we're going to use takes 72 hours to cure, and we're not done blasting yet. So there's a change in plan! What else is new! : )

So I'll invite everyone to come and participate in the repair of the Stupa! How auspicious and opportunity! If you cannot come out in person, please keep us in your prayers! Check the blog, and rejoice in the meritorious activity occurring in this world of suffering, and you too can share in the merit!

Another day tomorrow, so I need to get some rest...Let's hope it doesn't rain too much...

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