Sunday, April 02, 2006

Well, there it is...or isn't! The trailer is gone. On Wednesday we'll be carting the last bits to the dump (tires they wouldn't take in Poolesville and the old breaker box we just unwired today) as well as beginning our new season of Stupa Renovation work!

This Friday Dragmar Tulku Rinpoche will be giving teachings on the Bardo! Turns out this Rinpoche (Tibetan for precious teacher) has actually renovated a Stupa in Tibet!
Check it out at: and click on "movie download".

Of course, you need not go to Tibet just to participate in repairing a Stupa! You can help out right here in Poolesville, Maryland! We'll be going over the benefits of Stupas once again in upcoming posts, as well as continuing to nag you to visit them often, whether in person in Maryland or here online! They bring benefit to all they encounter...they don't care if you're Buddhist, or even if you're religious, they are here only to bring positive conditions to all who encounter them. As you can see from the length of this blog...we're working all the time to keep them in the world for you! Posted by Picasa

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