This image is a composite created by our Stupa crew dude Ashby, to illustrate our plan for building a retaining wall around the Stupa. We've heard from several sources that when Migyur Dorje was built, there was an issue with translation (the Lama leading the project was Tibetan, those building it were like us, a bunch of western students who knew nothing about this kind of thing). The result was that the Stupa was built "riding in the air", meaning the bottom step of the Stupa does not touch the ground. Unfortunately, that is backwards. : ) Such is the life of a Stupa lover. Thus, we've been told it is important to get the earth up to the "earth hugging layer" which is that bottom step.
We've been pondering this for some time, and if you'll recall, back in January even consulted professional landscape designers. As usual, such services far exceed our modest means, so we researched the options she suggested from a DIY perspective. We've found the source for the materials, and have devised a plan! Whew! One big step done. The concept has been presented to our board and to our Lama (most important) and has received a green light! So...now I can at last share with you what we've been brewing all this time!
Thus, we're slowly sprucing the Stupas up! It is our hope you will come on out to Poolesville to see them for yourself! They are considered by Buddhists to be the very mind of Enlightenment in form, appearing in this way to be accessible to ordinary beings like us. Of course, you don't have to believe that. Stupas bring benefit to all they encounter, regardless of your faith. Migyur Dorje, our present subject, was built with the special intention that it would bring healing to those suffering from both physical and mental illness. That doesn't mean you need to wait until you're sick though! The weather is getting nicer, flowers are blooming, it's a great time to enjoy our Peace Park!

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