Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Tuesday April 5th

It was a beautiful day to be out at the Stupa Park. As is becoming our pattern, we thought we'd get more done than we did. : ) Not that we mind. It is inspiring to see so many people taking time out of their lives to join us, whether to work or visit, or pray. It is our purest hope that as many beings as wish to will have a way to connect with this meritorious activity!

On a practical level, our first coat of stripper was too thin. The base of the Stupa had probably been painted more times than any other part (it is easy to get to, and the paint is a simple white latex). Thus, our plan to spray early and scrape in the afternoon didn't work out. That's okay though, as we have plenty still to do.

The wooden spires were primed with acrylic paint. So far we are still in a holding pattern regarding the concrete paint. We're still working through the options, and then, our needs are such we'll need a custom mix. Thus, for now the spires get a coat of primer until we hear more.

We also began the process of assessing the repairs we made last week, and found not all of them had been finished properly. We set to work scraping and sanding them down. During that process we discovered (to our dismay) that the Buddha reliefs on the small Stupas were dissolving. Evidently they were made from a resin that doesn't stand up to weather. Fortunately the artist who made them, Sherab Khandro, has a passion for the Stupas, and even though she's now living in Arizona, has agreed to make bronze reliefs to replace them! That way this won't happen again! Whew...

As we begin to wrap up work on the Stupa Park (until we get concrete paint), we're beginning to plan for the next phase. We're going to be moving to the Enlightenment Stupa next. This is the most visible of our Stupas, a very short walk from the parking lot of the temple. All visitors to the temple thus get to see a Stupa, and if they wish to circumambulate, it is as convenient as possible, unless you had a Stupa in your living room. : )

It is larger than the ones we are currently working on, so we're collaborating to determine what kind of equipment we'll need to get it done safely. We're looking at scaffolding or a cherry picker, each has it's pros and cons. That too remains unresolved. But don't worry, even if we have to use ladders and rope your Stupa Team won't let this activity cease!

May all beings rejoice in this miraculous activity, and may all benefit be devoted to every sentient being without exception!

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