Friday, April 01, 2005

Spraying the Long Life Stupa Round 2

After a rainy day held up progress yesterday, we were able to get out and apply a second coat of stripper to the Long Life Stupa. Again we were scraping the bottom of the buckets to get the last few square feet covered, but we made it.

It is becoming clear the Stupas will need two coats of the stripper, which increases our costs significantly. However, we are able to remove all the paint, so it's worth the extra expense. It will allow us to choose a coating that will give the concrete more ability to breath. We're still hunting for a gold option, any suggestions from cyber space are welcome. We're looking for a metallic gold that won't create a vapor barrier (it must be permeable). We've found several flat color options, but it does not achieve the desired appearance. So, the hunt continues.

In addition to allowing for a change in coating type, seeing what has been hidden under the paint is also helpful. It's giving us a much clearer view of areas in need of repair. So far no major damage, almost all very superficial. Nonetheless, as it is our intention that these precious structures remain in the world for the benefit of beings for hundreds, or hopefully thousands of years, we're paying close attention to even superficial damage.

The Stupa crew has been really diligent, a beautiful display of devotion. It is my hope that by posting these notes and images others can share in the wonder of these magnificent structures, the very presence of Enlightenment in a form we foolish beings can perceive. Working on them offers the practitioner an amazing opportunity to generate merit, to really change the world, to truly make a contribution to the benefit of beings. Even for those who participate out of curiosity or for the fun of it, that activity remains a potent cause for deepening in the Dharma. It remains a wonder to me, that such an ordinary mind as mine could have the good fortune to stumble upon such boundless opportunity. Through the blessings of our teacher, we have been given a powerful tool, a simple but potent practice, an opportunity to reach beyond our own self concern, and manifest the devotion hidden in our bewildered hearts. This opportunity is open to all, regardless of whether you practice or not, nothing is required other than a willing heart. It is my hope that anyone interested in coming out will do so. Even if just to watch, please feel free to join us. If you want to participate, we'll help you get started.

It occurred to me you may not know where we are, so here's a link to the temple website:

Tomorrow looks like wicked amounts of's going to be a very wet day. If you have a sense of adventure and want to brave the elements with us, we'll be out there!

For those of you that may not be anywhere near Maryland, we'll keep updating this blog as the work progresses. We'll be taking photos almost every day, so you can participate as a witness to this auspicious activity. Your prayers for the swift completion of the project are valuable and welcome. May all beings rejoice in this meritorious activity!

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