Friday, April 08, 2005

Friday April 8th...

Forgot my camera today, so a few photos from the past week that reflect what we did today. What I couldn't show this way was how many volunteers came out to help!

Lisa, Ashby and Ardys all joined us out at the Stupa Park to work on repairs. We all worked on our skills at working with mortar. Having to get ready for work tomorrow I left early, around 3pm, leaving the finishing touches in the capable hands of Lisa and Ardys. On Sunday, when I return with my camera, I'll show some pictures of the completed repairs.

Norbu started to work on our most troublesome Stupa, The Stupa of Auspicious Manifold Doorways. The eight small Stupas in the Stupa Park represent the eight Stupa forms found in Tibet, with each representing a significant event in Buddha Shakyamuni's life. This Stupa represents the opening of the doors of the Dharma in Varanasi, when the Buddha first taught the Dharma. In any case, much time, thought and research has gone into preparing for this day, this moment (I did videotape it, so I can work on a frame grab for this blog when I capture the tape). The bottom line is, eventually you just have to go for it, and Norbu was our man. His courage and devotion are part of the foundation upon which this project rests. We couldn't do it without him, as the photos on this blog demonstrate.

We've also learned that if it doesn't work out right, we can re-do it. That is a huge lesson in this kind of project, you'll never get it right the first time every time, no matter how hard you try. So it's great to recall you can fix your "fixes" if need be. The goal, repairing and restoring the Stupas, is all that matters. We'll navigate the twists and turns of the unexpected, the disappointments, and the surprise breakthroughs all with the same intention, these precious structures are our teacher, they are the complete path in form, they embody total equanimity, and they will be restored to their pristine state, no matter how long it takes, or how many tumbles our egos have to take along the way. We will continue to do our best to see this project through as quickly as possible, while focusing on doing it the very best way we can find.

Again I invite all of you to participate in this great activity with us! You can come out tomorrow (Saturday) and work with Ani Rene on the Enlightenment Stupa. It's right next to the temple parking lot, so no long walks on a muddy road! We'll be starting the scraping tomorrow, which should be revealing. None of us knows what to expect, it looks loose, it looks like it should come right off...but we've learned looks can deceive. : ) Ani Rene is a senior student of Jetsunma, our teacher, and is a great resource for gaining understanding of practice, and she's just plain fun. She'll make sure you feel welcome!

If you can't come out, keep visiting us here. If you want to help, our expenses are increasing, and we could always use your donations. It is said that a pig, who accidentally filled a crack on a Stupa while running from a dog, was able to obtain rebirth in a higher realm, and eventually reach enlightenment, by that accidental repair to a Stupa. Even $1 towards this project, donated with the intention to contribute to the benefit of beings, to peace in the world and the end of suffering, would surely bring much greater benefit than an accident! There is a link on this page if you'd like to help in that way. If you're resources are limited, you can benefit us with your prayers, praying that we accomplish this project swiftly and without obstacles, so all beings may enjoy these magnificent Stupas! Rejoice in this meritorious activity, and benefit is assured! This project is dedicated to all beings suffering in samsara, all beings in existence, it is for you.

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