Tuesday, April 12, 2005

April 12th

Today was a day for discussion and planning. I had to work, and Norbu tended his pile of personal business he's been pushing aside. We did talk (we're obsessed with this project--lovingly).

The next few days will be devoted to completing the removal of paint from the foundation of the Long Life Stupa. We're looking at a few options, Rene found a wire brush attachment for a regular drill that seems to get the paint off without harming the concrete (yes, here comes that word again...tedious), but it is effective. The power washer also works according to Norbu, who spent the most time out there yesterday working with it. Slowly. Which seems to be the unavoidable pace of this phase. : )

After the demonstration yesterday I contacted David Sommerville, who has built most of the Stupas KPC has. He didn't work on the Enlightenment Stupa, but gave us some information that kept our plans tumbling around in uncertainty.

Evidently they coated the Enlightenment Stupa with a kind of "stucco" type surface when it was poured. They did so to protect the concrete which hadn't matured enough for paint. Theoretically (according to Ani Rene's report...she was there for this) it was suppose to "fall off" and then they could repaint after that event. It never happened. : ) Naturally. So now we have this surface underneath an already thick layer of paint (explains the textured surface choice the last time, disguised this whole issue)which was suppose to fall off but bonded, and now chunks of it are falling off. But a lot of it isn't. The bottom line is, from what we saw yesterday (Stacey also tried some other agent for stripping, a little harsher than the Baking Soda, which ended up pitting the concrete pretty badly as it stripped off this stucco layer--I'll take photos on Friday for you so you can see what we're talking about). So, in a nutshell, when this stucco layer is blasted off (the recommended method of removal, perhaps the only option) the underlying concrete is damaged. Not deeply, but to the point where cosmetic repairs would be essential. So we're in a phase (it will be brief I promise) of contemplating options.

We know we can get the surface paint off with the stripper. We don't know if we should even try to remove the stucco layer. We're thinking of removing paint, using thin set material to patch the areas where the stucco chunked off, and repainting over top. We've got a few more heads to run these ideas through before we move forward on this though. Fortunately (I guess) the Stupa Park will keep us busy for a few days! : )

Again, we're looking forward to a great weekend, with tours and information on the Stupas available during our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Prayer Vigil.
Please do come out and join us!

If you have a power drill, and want to help with the Long Life Stupa base, contact Norbu or Ani Rene!

If you aren't anywhere near us, please do keep checking in! This is an extraordinary process, and though we have our bumps and re-routes, we are all committed to seeing this through. We all rejoice in this fantastic opportunity, and invite you to join us in any way you can, whether you say prayers for the swift completion of the project, enjoy our bumpy ride through this blog, or contribute to the Stupas by donating funds or supplies. We are doing this for all beings, to end suffering, bring healing and peace, and to preserve these precious objects of refuge for generations!

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