Wednesday, January 31, 2007

January 31st...History....

This photo is where it all started. Taken back in December of 2003 at the request of Ani Dawa, who was living in Sedona then, I knew as soon as I saw this Stupa it could not be left that way. Vines growing all over it, mold. It is in a remote part of the property, I didn't even know it was there...but I was out there the next day with concrete cleaner ( was dang cold!) pulling weeds and scrubbing mold. Not long after I was asked to take on ALL the Stupas...yikes!

Fortunately, however, all that was needed was someone to take up the call...many, many answered!

You can view a slide show of the 3 year restoration process by clicking


We've completed the first phase of renovations, but we feel the spring coming through the chill in the air! We're already talking about grounds work out at the Stupa Park and around the wall of Migyur Dorje, not to mention the lotus petal and finishing the Stupa wall with amethyst and rose quartz!

We'll keep you posted! Of course, all of this is done so that anyone can visit these amazing structures and enjoy their blessings! Remember, no need to know what they are or how they work for them to bring benefit to you and all those you pray for!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

January 30th....Morning walk...

Back in the work week here...but living in Poolesville it's easy to swing by the Stupa on the way to work! Here's a quick video circumambulation I shot this morning to share with you all....

Here's a still shot of one of the temple cats...

We have several cats that have been abandoned on our property, and which we attempt to keep fed. Any of you soft hearted types out there that might consider bringing one of these little folks into your home know that a few are really friendly! We'll do our best to care for them...but we have a continually growing population (folks bring them here when they can't take care of them anymore). They at least have the connection to the Stupa, and a steady food supply, but some seem like they want to be pets...

As you can see, the Stupa is beautiful in the mornings, as it is all throughout the day and night. It is always available to you, anytime! If you can't get to Poolesville, we'll keep you in touch here!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Peace Rally in DC

Still wiped out from the peace march yesterday, but thought we would share a few video clips with you.

These were taken with a compact digital still camera, so they aren't stellar, but we hope you get a sense of "being there"!

Here's are some stills:

Although we are recovering from the large event this weekend, remember that the temple is available to all and open 24 hours a day. So stop in and say some prayers for the world or just take some time and enjoy the peace.

Mipham - What About Me

It's been a while once again, but we're working on content. For now we wanted to share a great video with you! This video features poetry by Tibetan Buddhist Lama Sakyong Rinpoche, Lineage Holder of the Shambala lineage. He has studied with our own His Holiness Penor Rinpoche as well. It's a great offering to those of us in the west...enjoy!

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Day 2007

Well, we've been busy but alas my hands have been so involved in the labor that I haven't taken pictures!

So I'll start the New Year by re-posting a link to a short video introducing a statue filling workshop we attended in New York in 2005. We recorded the two day workshop on video, but the editing has proven more time consuming than we imagined, but eventually....

For now you can see Khenpo Norgye describing the purpose of Stupas and statues, sacred images, and why they are an important part of our lives.

If I could figure out how to embed this I would, but I haven't been able to get that technical. Hope you enjoy it!

We'll be out at the temple today working on rolling some mantras and (if our seamstress instructor is able to get out there) getting a sewing lesson so we can complete some prayer flags.

As you can see our work has expanded beyond Stupas since we completed the first phase (and the largest phase) of the renovations, but don't worry, the Stupas are always on our list!

It is our hope you will take advantage of the many sacred images available to you here in Poolesville, Maryland at KPC. No need to be Buddhist, or have any interest in Buddhism, the temple and grounds are all here to bring benefit to all beings without any exception. And of course, if you can't make it to Maryland in person, we'll keep you in touch here!