Well, here's how the retreat ended...our bud Lisa took the leap and is now Ani Yeshi Lhamo!! She took the hair cut like a sport, even let me take photos! We're back online finally, though crazy busy preparing for the visit next week by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche!! I'll get images up as I can, but please do come out and see the temple and Stupas for yourself if you can! Any artist types in the D.C. area can contact us as well, since we're working on completing the painting of the relief out at Migyur Dorje by next Wednesday! Alas...the life of a Stupa chick....the luxury of leisurely timelines remains a fantasy...no regrets though. Every effort you see on these pages, from the physical labor to the prayers and committments represented by the robes, it is all devoted to ending the suffering of all beings without exception. The Stupas, and temple, are open to people of all faiths, and the Stupas, out in the open air, are open to all species of beings, offering ceaseless blessings. So come on out and see them for yourself! If you aren't in the area, we'll keep you in touch with them here!

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