Thursday, March 24, 2005

What's going on here and now

Our names are Ani Sonam and Norbu Tashi. We are Tibetan Buddhist Practioners within the Nyingma sect and Palyul Lineage and our Root Lama is Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo. She is the 1st Western woman recognized as a Tulku or Reincarnate Lama. This is not to say we are segregating ourselfs from any other sect, lineage or religion. Just where we each have found our Teacher.

Ani Sonam is a Wonderfully wise and humble Nun (Ani in Tibetan) that is working in many ways to support our Teacher and the Dharma.

I, Norbu Tashi, am a grammatically challenged Lay practioner hoping to create enough merit to be able to stay on the path and be of true benefit to sentient Beings.

Here is just outside Poolesville, Maryland. Now is Today, haha. We did the 154th step out of about 1080, maybe even potentially more than that. The step was the second application of a non-toxic Paint Stripper on 8 supporting Stupas to Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamos' Long Life Stupa. Pictures are quite key to grasping what's really going on so visit, follow the "stupa park" link, to get a better idea if you don't see pictures here. All of this entree is going to be confusing without the background infomation of what all this is but clarity will come in time. Or at least it was for me when I first became involved with Buddhism.
Tomorrow we shall remove it and see beautiful bare concrete awaiting a new Gortex style paint that will help to lengthen the stupas' existance.

That being a start for this, Please tune in and return often to learn more about how to be a part and help (whether close or far) or about our successes and trials (AKA failures, haha). We want this to be a tool for sharing information and learning in order to benefit all sentient beings.

1 comment:

ani sonam said...

Cool start Norbu!