It's a busy time...His Holiness Penor Rinpoche will be arriving in mid-June and we're struggling with awkward working conditions (our backyard when weather permits---our dining room when it's raining!). Not to mention our lack of experience! We are movnig forward however, and wanted to share a few snapshots so you could see the progress...

As you an see it's starting to look like a throne! We're going to be chipping away at it this week and hope to complete the main seat this weekend. Then we'll be carting it over to another sangha member's home so it can be painted! Thus, despite a lack of proper workspace, we're managing to carry on!
You don't have to be a handy type to help, nor do you have to help with these projects in order to enjoy the amazing blessings of the Stupas and temple here in Maryland. All of this is maintained and accessible 24 hours a day for anyone wishing for some peace!